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How to Prep Your Fireplace for Burning Season
Cooler weather means time spent fireside. Here are some tips on how to prepare your fireplace for the season:
Schedule an Inspection
Before you light the first fire of the season, make sure your fireplace is ready for action. If your fireplace hasn’t been used for several seasons, it is best to schedule a fireplace inspection. If you are an experienced fireplace operator, you can inspect the fireplace, however the chimney is where most problems occur.
Clean your Fireplace and Chimney
Over time, the build-up of soot and creosote in the chimney flue can potentially lead to a chimney fire. To keep your fireplace burning safely, have it serviced before the season every year, at minimum. Tip: A chimney sweep can inspect your chimney for cracks in clay flue tile, and separation in steel flues.
Chimney Cap
Consider installing a chimney cap. This will keep out debris or animals from making their way in. Additionally, these caps prevent windy downdrafts from entering your home as well as sparks from escaping your chimney and landing on your roof.
Be sure to check if the damper is functioning properly. The damper allows smoke to ventilate out of your house. Tip: Make sure to open the damper when using the fireplace and shut if you have a wood burning fireplace. For vented gas in your fireplace, check with your local gas company to make sure the damper is in the open locked position. Tip: Make sure there is a chimney top spark arrestor to prevent animals or debris from entering.
New Addition
Thinking of replacing or adding a new fireplace this season? For over 50 years, as the most trusted modular fireplace system in the world, Earthcore’s Isokern brand is the perfect choice. Utilizing the natural insulating properties of pure Icelandic pumice, Isokern fireplaces and high temperature chimney flues are the perfect choice for carefree burning of wood and gas. Isokern products are built for safety and to last for the lifetime of your home.
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