Isoflames Vent-Free Linear Burners

Isoflames Vent-Free
Linear Burners

We’re raising the bar in style and function with our NEW line-up of Isoflames Vent-Free Linear burners. Isoflames burners are the perfect foundation to create the desired visual impact of flame presentation, burning efficiency, and beauty.

Available Sizes:
Linear – Customizable up to 10FT

Shown here is the 60” Vent-Free Fireplace with 42” Vent-Free Linear Burner. 

Isoflames Vent-Free Linear Burner

The exclusive, elegant and sleek Isoflames Vent-Free Linear Burners accentuate the appearance and ambiance of any room and offer a choice of vibrant fire glass media or optional fireballs. Isoflames Vent-Free Linear burners stand at 2.5” height, creating the lowest profile burner on the market. Available with three-tier fireball tray, sold separately.

Vent-Free Model Sizes: 24’’ •  36’’  •  42’’ 


Fireglass Media Options

Vesper Black

Poseidon Blue

Krystallo Diamond

Apollo Bronze

Terra Copper

Please Note: Vesper Black fireglass is included, other fireglass media available at additional cost.


Indoor | Outdoor


(NG) Natural Gas | (LP) Liquid Propane


Vent-Free Linear Burner
• ANSI Z21.11.2 (USA)

Fireball Options

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2'' Fireballs

Available Colors: Black, Dark Grey, & White

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4" Fireballs

Available Colors: Black, Dark Grey, & White

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6" Fireballs

Available Colors: Black, Dark Grey, & White